"LIKE" Documentary  - Wed. January 10


Dear Cambridge School District Families and Community Members,

 Please join us on January 10, 2024 for a screening of the documentary by Impactful: ‘LIKE’: Understanding and Creating Balance in Social Media.

Two showings - choose which one works best for you:

9-11am (show starts at 9:30) OR 6-8pm (show starts at 6:30)

Where: Galleria 214 Main Street Cambridge WI

The film is called Like and it examines the business behind social media and encourages us to be smart consumers, as well as find a healthy balance with our use of technology and social media.

We are making the film available to the adults prior to the students, to increase conversations at home about the content. We will be sending out tips and  discussion points for families as well. 

Your CSD - Student Services Team