Welcome to CES!

When you stop by the Cambridge Elementary School for a visit, or just need to drop something off for your child, we ask that you stop at the office first. Please sign our Visitor's Registry and get a visitor's badge from us. We ask that you do this for the safety of our students and staff. Thanks for your understanding.

The School Day

Our school day begins at 7:57 a.m. and ends at 3:05 p.m. each day except for Late Start Wednesdays when school begins an hour later than normal. Our doors open at 7:40 a.m. and the first bell rings at 7:57 to dismiss to Homeroom and start our school day.

Note: If your child arrives after 8:00 a.m., he or she will be considered tardy and will need to sign in at the office before going to class.

Student Drop Off & Pick Up

Please click here for student drop off and pick up information.

CES Main Office

Chris Holt

Chris Holt
Elementary Principal 
(608) 423-4345 ext. 1128


Betsy Bamlett

Betsy Bamlett 
CES Office Manager
(608) 423-9727 ext. 1151


Lesli Rumpf

Lesli Rumpf
Office Assistant / Health Room Aide
(608) 423-9727 ext 1117
